Simplifying remittances for banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions
ReadyRemit FI sales one pager
ReadyRemit is working to close the innovation gap financial institutions are currently undergoing by enabling them to provide domestic and international remittances on one platform. Download our one pager and learn the top reasons why ReadyRemit is a single turnkey solution, including:
- Recoup revenue: users will no longer go outside your banking platform to send a remittance
- Comprehensive support: our fully managed program includes embedded compliance services, Tier 2 support, and fraud monitoring
- Branded experience: white-labeled and wrapped entirely in the financial institution’s own brand
- Extensive reach: users have access to near real-time or same day payments to 180+ countries and 160 currencies, across a variety of channels

ReadyRemit is working to close the innovation gap financial institutions are currently undergoing by enabling them to provide domestic and international remittances on one platform. Download our one pager and learn the top reasons why ReadyRemit is a single turnkey solution, including:
- Recoup revenue: users will no longer go outside your banking platform to send a remittance
- Comprehensive support: our fully managed program includes embedded compliance services, Tier 2 support, and fraud monitoring
- Branded experience: white-labeled and wrapped entirely in the financial institution’s own brand
- Extensive reach: users have access to near real-time or same day payments to 180+ countries and 160 currencies, across a variety of channels